Friday, February 5, 2010

Part Two---The Faith Part

This is a continuation from the last entry. I mentioned that Faith plays a huge role in how we overcome. One interesting fact that always amazes me about our Christian walk, is that pretty much everything is built on faith. If you think about it, we have to first believe that God gave his son Jesus who died and rose again.. That's a faith step. We believe what is written in the bible--is true, that again is a faith step. When we pray to our heavenly Father for various things, we have faith that he hears us, even when we don't see or feel him all the time, but we continue to have faith that things will come to past! So if you BELIEVE all those things, we must continue to build our faith, that we can overcome any issue that stands in our way.

Yesterday, I wrote, we have to first come clean with ourselves and admit we have these issues in our life and stop trying to down play them. We never truly get the help we need, when we pretend we don't have problems. Then we can take it to God and get help. Well....will this "thing" always be a problem? You have to have FAITH, that it won't always be a problem. Satan would love you to believe that your stuck in this state and you will never be able to defeat it! But good 'ole faith and perseverance is what we have to hold onto. The word says, if YOU believe you receive, then it's done. AND the bible also states, that we can go to God in prayer about anything and everything...even those things that we are embarrassed about! We need faith--even when we feel those issues still linger, because one day they will go away.. Romans 8:28 reads, " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." He is talking about you and me... And something else, we should be mindful of is Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Don't give up on yourself and don't give up on the power of God to work ALL things out in your life. Stay holy and let's keep up the good work, because you will receive your harvest.... in other words, you will receive your deliverance!

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