Sunday, January 24, 2010

No Judgement Here

Hello and Happy Sunday to all of you! If you are reading this, I appreciate your time to stop by and read, and I hope one day you feel inspired enough to post a comment and let me know what you're thinking. This is a place for you to open up in a safe environment, without any judgement. As Christians, one thing we should work on is being so judgmental. I think hypocrisy is one of the top things that cause the world to think we are hypocrites. We want to be HELPERS vs. HYPOCRITES! There is enough hypocrisy in the world, without us having to add to it! Jesus spoke very clearly about hypocrisy...he said, cast the first stone you without any issues or problems. It's easy for us to look at other's and think, wow I cannot believe they do that...but if we open up our closet, someone might say the same thing about us. We have to learn to work out those things in our own lives, instead of always trying to judge and evaluate what other people are doing. God said, I come to seek and save the lost. Not to seek and save the perfect. We all have issues, and there isn't one issue that is bigger than another. Each one, no matter what it might be, causes us to stumble. How do we take a step towards perfection? First we have to admit what those issues are to God. Confess!!!!!!!!!!!! If we CONFESS our sins, he is faithful and just to FORGIVE us! Let's learn to focus on our own issues, so that later in life we can be a testimony for someone else. But, the world must see us as helpers and not hypocrites. So if smoking is your addiction, and cussing is someone else's...Don't think you are better than the other... we all fall short of the glory of God!

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