Monday, February 8, 2010

Being Smart

Hello! I pray that the peace of God rests upon each of you this week. About three years ago, I had a meeting with one of the top coaches at a very prestigious university in the United States. We had a discussion about character and being "smart"! And I came across some notes from that meeting and it is so relevant for the premise of this entire blog... We want to make smart decisions, that will lead us to becoming free from those chains that "try" and bind us.
The next time your issues try and raise their ugly heads, think of your reaction in this way (you can mentally ask yourself these questions):

-Is this the right thing to do?
-What are the consequences?
-How will this impact my future?
-Is this a risk I can afford to take?
-Is this the best decision?
-How will this decision affect my family?

Each athlete at this university is given what is called a Smart Card, and those are a few of the questions that are asked. They're mandated to keep this in their wallets at all times, and when they find themselves in a tizzy, they can be reminded of making the right decision.

Our smart cards come in many different forms: the bible, praying, etc... maybe you could have something that reminds you, that if you do this "thing" one more time; how this might impact your life and the lives of others. Sometimes when we take ourselves out of it and look at it from a different perspective, we can view a different outcome.

Ck out 1 Corin. 10:13...may it be the foundation of the our internal "Smart Cards"!

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